
Monday, April 30, 2012

Narrow down the research topic

First, i want do my research topic is " young consumer and fashion branding" . But this topic is unclear and fashion area is too big. So, i tried to found some literature and journal to narrow down my topic. Lastly. i found that the topic is attitudes of young consumer towards branding clothes. I want to observed the influence of the young consumer to purchase branding clothes. Is that for expression themselves or for the quality of the branding clothes.

Inductive or deductive type of research

My topic research is use deductive method to continue my research.

Figure 1 show the deduction and induction methods

Deduction is the process by which we arrive at a reasoned 
conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact. 
This also can called " top-down" method.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The different between facts and theory


                         Fact                                                                     Teach Both Theories

           The fact and theory are word with different meaning. Fact and theory have different use in different field and studies. But, commonly this two word are use in science field.
           Definition of theory is a set of assumptions, propositions, or accepted facts that attempts to provide a eloquent or rational explanation of causal relationships among a group of observed phenomenon. Definition of fact is something that can be tested the observation by anyone with the suitable skill and equipment.
           Facts are observations but theories are the explanations to those observations. Theories are ambiguous facts but facts are really facts.


What is Research?

                Research is a process to collect, analyse information to solve the problem or more understanding the problem or topic that we have faced. Research have many step and we need to solve one by one our self to find out the solution and answer. Research can provide the information for the manager to make the right decision.